It was like watching Rocky Balboa and Mickey Goldmill. While perhaps not quite as exciting, every bit as inspirational, as coach barked out orders and student immediately fell into stride. We were at our local wing joint and the challenge of eating twelve wings slathered in the hottest sauce, in less than six minutes, sat in front of my younger son. It had been a personal goal of his for quite some time and the moment to prove his stuff had finally come.
The second the restaurant manager started the official, sauce-laden timer, my oldest was all in; patiently coaching his little brother as if success was just as important to him. For the next six minutes, he watched the timer carefully and guided his brother through each step. “Ok, doing good. You can take a ten second break. Ok, pick up the next wing and get ready. You’ve got this bro. Good job.”
I was entirely fascinated – and shocked – at what was playing out before me. I figured they must have planned it all beforehand, discussed strategy and timing prior to our arrival. I later learned however, that there was never any request for, or discussion about, big brother offering what turned out to be surprisingly adept coaching skills. It just happened organically, and would prove to be my latest lesson of how we should all live this gift called life. As I look to the new year before me, I can pull so much wisdom from what, on the surface, seemed like such a silly thing.
This time of year never fails to bring on heightened anxiety for me. I equate New Year’s Eve to the highest peak on a roller coaster. We’ve enjoyed the advent season, celebrated Christmas, lived the magic through the eyes of our children, embraced the gift of time with family and friends and put our worries and chores on the back burner while indulging in all the beauty of the season. Now I sit atop the highest peak, anxious about careening down the other side at speeds I’m not ready for, flooded with responsibilities that need to once again be prioritized. The layout of the tracks before me is uncertain. I know only that there will be ups and downs, joys and challenges, unexpected twists and turns, demanding I hold tight, adjust and readjust and somehow find peace with the constant of change.
My hot wing master has taught me life is meant to be embraced for all it has to offer. He shows me time and again that taking life too seriously puts me at risk of missing the small joys that are right before me. His heart is an example of acceptance and love. He is wise enough to stay open to the uncomfortable, so as not to miss an opportunity for the kind of laughter that brings you to tears or the brilliance of staying true to oneself while respecting and appreciating the diversity around you. While I may not be the girl with my hands in the air to fully absorb the thrill of the ride, this guy’s transparent example is always before me and does much to encourage me to replace worry with courage and fear with trust.
“Coach Mickey”, on the other hand, teaches me that a selfless and patient heart does much to lift all those fortunate enough to feel its warmth. He reminds me that this journey was never meant to be walked alone; that God depends on each one of us to put the needs of others before our own and offer whatever support, guidance and encouragement we can.
All the same, we would each be wise to heed Rocky’s example of listening and accepting direction as we try to figure out what God has in store for us and how He needs to use us. With each new year, the lesson remains the same; I’m not in control. But rather than drown in the anxiety that surrounds that truth, my heart is pierced with the vision of the baby in the manger and the peace that lay within. His message remains clear and forever unchanging. “Look to me. Trust in me. In me, you will find true and lasting joy.” Happy new year.